Traveling soon to Sweden? Prepare yourself not only for the stunning landscapes, rich and dynamic Swedish history, vibrant and colorful streets, but also for a sprinkle of the Swedish language! Swedes are known for their excellent English skills, but throwing in a bit of Swedish will definitely win you some beautiful smiles. So let's start!
1. Hej! (Hey!)
Meaning: Hello!
Swedish greetings don’t get simpler than this. "Hej" is the go-to phrase for saying hello, and you’ll hear it everywhere—from the barista at the café to the shopkeeper in Old Town.
2. Tack! (Tack)
Meaning: Thank you.
It’s always good to show gratitude, right? Swedes appreciate politeness, and this one word will get you far!
3. Ja / Nej (Yah / Nay)
Meaning: Yes / No
Simple yet powerful! Knowing how to say yes and no will make basic conversations and decisions much smoother.
4. Ursäkta mig (Oor-sek-ta may)
Meaning: Excuse me.
Need to get someone’s attention, like in a crowded Stockholm metro or in line for a museum? This phrase is your best friend!
5. Kan du prata engelska? (Kan doo prah-ta eng-els-ka)
Meaning: Can you speak English?
While most Swedes speak English fluently, asking politely in Swedish might earn you some bonus points!
6. Var är toaletten? (Var air toh-a-let-ten)
Meaning: Where is the bathroom?
An essential phrase when nature calls. Swedes usually have clean public restrooms, so just ask away!
7. Hur mycket kostar det? (Hoo mick-eh kos-tar deh)
Meaning: How much does it cost?
Shopping for souvenirs, food, or just curious about prices? Use this phrase to ask how much you’ll be spending!
8. Kan jag få notan, tack? (Kan yah foh no-tan, tack)
Meaning: Can I have the bill, please? When you're done enjoying your Swedish meatballs or a fika, this is the phrase to ask for the bill.
9. En kaffe, tack! (En kah-feh, tack)
Meaning: A coffee, please!Coffee culture (aka fika) is serious business in Sweden, so be sure to order your coffee like a pro.
10. Skål! (Skol)
Meaning: Cheers!
Planning to enjoy a drink with the locals? You’ll definitely hear “Skål!” It’s the Swedish equivalent of “Cheers!”
11. Trevligt att träffas (Tre-vligt aht tref-as)
Meaning: Nice to meet you.
Whether you're meeting a new friend or introducing yourself to a local, this phrase will come in handy.
12. Vad heter du? (Vad hey-ter doo)
Meaning: What’s your name?
Striking up a conversation? Use this to ask someone’s name. And be ready to reply with "Jag heter…" (My name is…)
13. Jag förstår inte (Yah for-shtor in-teh)
Meaning: I don’t understand
It's okay to get confused! Swedes will appreciate your effort and probably switch to English if you say this.
14. Hjälp! (Yelp)
Meaning: Help!
Hopefully, you won’t need this one, but it’s good to know, just in case.
15. Vilken tid är det? (Vil-ken tid air deh)
Meaning: What time is it?
If you're wondering when the next bus or train arrives, this phrase will come in handy.
16. Jag vill ha… (Yah vil ha)
Meaning: I would like…
Perfect for ordering food or drinks or even buying something at the market. For example, “Jag vill ha en smörgås” (I would like a sandwich).
17. Var ligger…? (Var lig-er)
Meaning: Where is…?
Whether you’re searching for a famous landmark or a hidden gem, just plug in what you’re looking for after “Var ligger…?”
18. Det var jättegott! (Deh var yet-teh-got)
Meaning: That was delicious!
Swedes love food as much as the next person, and if you’ve enjoyed your meal, share the compliment!
19. Jag älskar Sverige! (Yah el-skar Svair-ee-eh)
Meaning: I love Sweden!
After a day or two of exploring Sweden’s natural beauty and enjoying the kindness of its people, you might find yourself saying this!
20. Vi ses! (Vee ses)
Meaning: See you!
A casual, friendly way to say goodbye to someone you’ll meet again.
Bonus Phrase: Fika?
Meaning: Coffee break?
One word with so much significance in Sweden. Fika is not just about coffee, but about slowing down, enjoying a snack, and connecting with people. It's a lifestyle, so don't miss out on your fika!